(Washington, DC) The District Snow Team (Department of Public Works and Department of Transportation) really gets to hone its snow fighting skills as the team prepares for its second full deployment of the week on Saturday, January 25. The team will deploy more than 200 plows to commercial and residential streets Saturday morning for a predicted half-inch to one inch of snowfall. The full deployment is necessary because pavement temperatures have been below freezing for most of the week so snow will stick. The latest weather forecast calls for a light snow starting sometime after 9-10AM Saturday and continuing through the afternoon and ending around 5-6PM Saturday evening. The high Saturday is expected to be 33F and the low 15F. Sunday is expected to be sunny with a high of 28F and a low of 24 with a chance for flurries Sunday night.
“Fortunately, the Snow Team had a chance to catch its breath after Tuesday’s storm that dropped 3.8 inches at National Airport,” said DPW Director William O. Howland, Jr. “We were in a full deployment for 36 hours from 6AM Tuesday morning through 6PM Wednesday, but Thursday and Friday we followed our normal schedule.”
He advised residential and commercial property owners to clear whatever ice remains on their sidewalks and apply an abrasive such as non-clumping kitty litter, rock salt or deicer before Saturday’s storm begins. “What remains of Tuesday’s snow is ice, so new snow will create very slippery surfaces,” he said.
DPW holiday tree collection crews are the backbone of the Snow Team; however, multiple snow/ice events have severely disrupted the collection schedule, which had been December 29-January 11. As a result, trees will continue to be collected for recycling through Friday, January 31. Trees should be placed where trash and recyclables are collected. Trees placed at the trash/recycling collections site after January 31 will be collected with the trash as space permits in the truck. REMINDER: DPW collects trees from single family households and residential buildings with three or fewer living units. Residents who live in apartment buildings with four or more units should have their trash/recycling hauler collect their trees.
Winter Weather Safety and Preparedness Tips: Motorists are asked to clear all snow from the vehicle first then drive cautiously. Assist elderly or disabled neighbors with clearing their sidewalks. Also, for plow drivers’ safety, “Don’t crowd the plow.” Residents are encouraged to go to snow.dc.gov for updates before, during and after winter storms, and for tips to get one’s home and family prepared for inclement weather. Residents also may sign up at alert.dc.gov to receive emergency alerts and notifications from Alert DC.
To track the plows, go to snow.dc.gov and click on Track Our Plows: http://snowmap.dc.gov/.
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DPW Twitter: @DCDPW
DPW Facebook: DPW on Facebook
DPW Website: dpw.dc.gov
DDOT Facebook: facebook.com/DDOTDC
DDOT Website: ddot.dc.gov